
Tjóðveldi sendir kvøður til Joe Biden og Kamalu Harris

Í heilsanini leggur Tjóðveldi dent á at menna samstarvið millum Føroyar og USA, m.a. um at basa koronafarsóttini, veðurlagsbroytingum og vaksandi ójavnanum í heiminum

Joe Biden og Kamala Harris (Mynd: EPA)

Joe Biden og Kamala Harris (Mynd: EPA)

2020-11-08 13:55 Author image
Alda Nielsdóttir

Eisini Tjóðveldi hevur í dag sent síni lukkuynski til nývalda forsetan í USA, Joe Biden, og til nývalda varaforsetan, Kamalu Harris.

Í heilsanini leggur Tjóðveldi dent á at menna samstarvið millum Føroyar og USA, m.a. um at basa koronafarsóttini, veðurlagsbroytingum og vaksandi ójavnanum í heiminum. Tjóðveldi vísir til tey góðu sambondini millum Føroyar og fyrrverandi sendiharran, Rufus Gifford, sum nú hevur verið varaleiðari í valstríðnum hjá Joe Biden.

Í heilsanini til Joe Biden og Kamalu Harris stendur soleiðis:

We, The Independence Party of the Faroe Islands, take great pleasure in offering our sincere congratulations with your victory in the Presidential election.

Faroe Islands and The United States of America have always had excellent relations and America today is one of the main markets for Faroese fish products, the backbone of our economy.

Mr Rufus Gifford, your Vice Campaign Leader, former Ambassador to Denmark, and well known in Faroes, put it yesterday that “this is a new chapter of the American History”.

Indeed a new chapter which we hope and trust will be a blessing to not only the American people, but also to the whole world.

Our Party will indeed be looking forward to co-operate with the new America, and the common challenges we face – not the least in handling the pandemic, the climate issues and the rising unequality in the world of today.

We are sending our best wishes from The Faroe Islands.

Les eisini: Løgmaður ber Biden eina heilsan


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